Mix and Match. Paintattack has always been a big step ahead in perfectly matched combinations. You can choose yours out of 6 different colorways also in 2019. Don't worry - we have never had a goalkeeper who couldn't find the matching gloves to his goalkeeper jerseys.
Negative Cut. Premium grip. Silicon on backhand. These are the three quality certificates of our premium model "Extreme CG3". Completely without big features, but nevertheless equipped with the most important characteristics for ideal fit, great grip and modern design. That's why this incredible top price can be explained for this tremendous quality.
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Paintattack 2019 z nowym systemem wejściowym
W porównaniu do modeli Paintattack z poprzedniego roku, wejście zostało znacznie ułatwione. Szerszy system wejścia, który dopasowuje się do dłoni natychmiast po założeniu, sprawia, że model Extreme CG3 jest jeszcze bardziej elastyczny i wygodny w noszeniu.